The new <b>GeoTaker</b>


Long range 3D Scanner

The GeoTaker is a long-range 3D scanner with LIDAR technology for precise capture of large objects such as residential rooms, museum space, ancient sculptures or technical objects.

The GeoTaker produces spherical 3D scans of high quality which are even improved by algorithms to achieve a high geometrical repeatability. The noise level of the scans remains at an absolute minimum. This speeds up post-processing significantly, letting you easily finish your job.

The new GeoTaker comes pre-configured and only needs to be powered on. Some basic configurations can be done easily to match your specific scanning situation.

Just mount your GeoTaker on a tripod in front of your object and press the start button. After having finished the scan move the SD-card to your PC, Mac or Linux computer and copy/paste the scan into your scene. The mesh object with triangular faces allows immediate rendering and animation in your CAD program.

Pre-Order the GeoTaker Now

Please visit our KickStarter campaign or our campaign on Indiegogo to complete your order!